Easy ways to get better at rugby tackling

3 min read

Tackling is such a defining part of the rugby game. With referees placing a huge focus on the safety of tackling, it is vital to all involved that players can tackle correctly and effectively.

The long and short of tackling

Tackling can be dangerous if the hit goes in high. A simple way to ensure you stay at the correct height is to aim for the player’s shorts. In this way, your shoulders will be low enough and your arms less likely to cause an injury.

The impact from the tackle should never be taken by the shoulder alone, with the ‘shoulder charge’ a very real offence. Also beware of outstretched arms, which can cause a serious injury to your opponent. The ‘washing line’ of arms, especially when they catch your opposite number above the waist or even around the neck, is something officials are especially keen to blow up for.

The key is to coordinate the tackle and ensure your arms are wrapped around the player. Rugby training drills that help you to practise lower, safer tackling can improve your overall game and are worth the investment of time.

Getting low enough to tackle safely does take practice, especially for the taller players or for players tackling a much shorter opponent.

Eyes on the prize

Look at your man as you make the tackle so that you can be sure the impact is where you expect. If you can, keep your eyes open throughout, although you might find extra bruising! You will also be able to see the next stage of play developing as it happens.

Tackle bags are a good way of practising tackles and can help to build confidence, although these should not be used in every training session. Making them part of every training session can lead to over-confidence and even recklessness that players would not otherwise attempt in a match situation.

Ruck Science has more information on the technical elements of the tackle. Armed with this knowledge, you can focus your rugby training drills for maximum return.

As with any skill, practising the technique again and again is the crucial way of improving performance. You should also stay up to date with the latest amendments to rules from the RFU, as referees are given different focuses every season. Tackle baggage area unit an honest means of practising tackles and might facilitate to create confidence, though these shouldn’t be utilized in each coaching session. Creating them a part of each coaching session will cause over-confidence and even un-thought fullness that players wouldn’t otherwise try in an exceedingly match state of affairs. Ruck Science has a lot of info on the technical parts of the tackle. Armed with this information, you’ll focus your rugger coaching drills for optimum come.

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